At the First Parish Meeting held in the School at 7.00pm on Tuesday the 4th December 1894, – present the following Electors,
viz: Rev M W Hay,
Mr W Marchant,
Mr W T Hayr,
Mr J Addison,
Mr J H Brown,
Mr W Jones,
Mr W Upchurch,
Mr T Aldwinkle,
Mr G Ratt,
Mr R Inchley Jnr,
Mr M Harding,
Mr J Wright,
Mr A Lattimer.
It was proposed by Mr Addison, seconded by Mr Inchley, and carried nem con:
“That the Rev M W Hay be elected Chairman of the Parish Meeting”
The business of this meeting consisted of receiving Nomination Papers of Candidates to represent the Parish on the Rural District Council of Gretton – the first nomination received was that of Mr William Thomas Hayr, proposed by Mr Jeremiah Addison and seconded by Mr George Ratt. On being put to the meeting, no other nomination was made; and Mr W T Hayr was, therefore, declared duly elected.
(Signed) Maynard W Hay (Chairmain of Parish Meeting)